The Awesome Blogger Award 2019

Stu has nominated me for Awesome Blogger Award 2019! 😀😀 You guys should take a moment and check out “his” awesome blog and read his testimony! He uses it to help others who may be struggling in the same areas.

Thank you Stu for thinking of me! I am honored! God Bless you brother! Sorry it has taken me so long to get it done! 😬 I’ve been trying to take the awards in the order they were given. 😄✌️

Here are the rules:
– Thank the blogger who nominated you.
– Tag your post with #awesomebloggeraward.
– Answer the questions given to you.
– Nominate and inform at least 5 bloggers.
– Give them 10 new questions to answer.

1. Why do you think more and more young people are living together instead of getting married?

The secular world, tv and peers teach it’s ok. It’s easier for them financially with no accountability. If it doesn’t work out, they can just walk. No expenses spent on a wedding or divorce.

2. If a homeless person walked into a church on a Sunday morning, how do you feel the congregation would react? Because every church is made up of different personalities, some would ignore and some would speak. I can’t vouch for anyone personally, but I can for myself. It happened at my church before. A man had came in late after church had already started and went up and sat close to the front. I could smell him as he passed by me to be seated. He stank pretty bad. It was obvious his clothes were dirty. Just as soon as church was over I went straight over to him to tell him I was glad he had come and to shake his hand. He looked up at me and said I want to thank you for speaking to me. Most people don’t. I said I’m so sorry for that. So glad you are here. He told me he had been a veteran in the war. I thanked him for his service. We chatted a few more minutes and he got up out of his seat and headed straight out the door.

3. Do you believe the church is doing enough in your community? I don’t think any of us do enough for God. We have dinners for our officers to honor them. Give them anointed and prayed over prayer cloths to keep in their wallets, to protect them as they work.

4. You are angry at your spouse for something they have done. How long do you hold onto that anger, regardless of the infraction? I hold on to it as long as it takes to remove myself from the situation and get somewhere by myself and pray. I tell God how I feel, cry it out, until I feel peace flood my soul. Then I try to let it go. I make a point to speak to my husband after that.

5. Share your honest thoughts on this verse…

And Isaac brought her into his mother Sarah’s tent, and took Rebekah, and she became his wife; and he loved her: and Isaac was comforted after his mother’s death.
Genesis 24:67 KJV

6. Now, upon reflecting on that verse…is one considered your spouse… before or after sex? I have always thought that after the Marriage ceremony, you became married. I honestly don’t really know about this one??? 🤔🤔🤔…You become one after sex I suppose. 🤷‍♀️

7. Who is your favorite Disney character? It was Cinderella growing up, but the grown up me identifies more with Belle.

8. What is your favorite board or card game? Uno? 🤔 I don’t play any, except word games on my phone app. Does that count? 🤷‍♀️

9. What was your favorite toy as a child? Barbies and dolls. Bicycle, trucks playing with my baby brother.

10. And finally…What is your favorite nightime snack? I like hummus and crackers. Cheese, pepperoni and crackers. Ice cream for a sweet treat.

* I love artichoke dip as an occasion daytime snack.

I would be honored if you all would participate, but you don’t have to 🙂

I’m picking 2 people…And nominate everyone else who’s up for the challenge!!! I am dead serious about this! Every ONE of you are awesome bloggers! You had the courage to start a blog, after all! Make sure to link back to this post, so I can read you answers please 🙂



My Questions to You:

  1. You see a young person at church struggling with trials or struggling to fit in at church, what do you do personally to help them?
  2. Someone is running someone down in a circle at your church, what do you do? Join in with the talk or find a reason to excuse yourself?
  3. You see something that bothers you at church, do you run to tell a leader or do you hit your knees, seek God for a change, and let God take care of it?
  4. Getting out of your vehicle upon arriving at church, you see a piece of trash on the lawn. (a.) Do you pick it up yourself (b.) Let the custodian know about it. (c.) Do nothing at all about it.
  5. You notice an older person who is sitting alone at church every service, what do you do to help them feel loved and important?
  6. What do you think is the most important thing for a parent to teach their child?
  7. Are you a Lover or a fighter?
  8. Are you an indoor or an outdoor person?
  9. Favorite color?

10. What is something you would love to change or improve in yourself?


  1. i agree. cinderalla was all that, but belle was better later too. maybe disneys depiction changed our minds? it was the talking tea set that looked like COFFEE! Haha! 😉💟

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you for participating! Your answers were awesome. I really enjoyed your story of the homeless man.

    Good answer on 5 & 6. They were meant to make people think.

    Your answer to the first question is very valid!

    Yes, word games on your phone counts 😂

    Very good questions you have asked too!

    Well done Renee!

    Liked by 1 person

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