Jesus, Friend of Sinners

This song came to my mind today, and I had to listen to it again, and it made me cry! I’m doing a lot of that here lately, because I’m working on ME. Not anyone else, but ME. I’m looking within, and God is getting me out of my comfort zone.

The words of this song can sting at times, because we don’t want anyone to see our weaknesses or our jaded past, or even our rotten attitudes or failures.

I don’t tell my testimony much, but maybe I need to. I was the least of these, just like this song talks about. I was the lost cause, I was the outcast. I was a really good sinner in need of a really good Savior. And God sent my Aunt Ruthie to witness to me. Her LOVE pulled me out of the pit I was in, along with the prayers her mother, my grandma had prayed for all us family. She looked past my sin and opened her arms to me with love. Yep, it was that LOVE that drew me to God.

We are living in End Times folks. We are seeing terrible things come to pass. So, I pray this prayer for myself for all to see:

God, today I pray, let my heart be led by Your mercy, help me to reach with open heart and open doors. Jesus, friend of sinners, break my heart for what breaks yours! You love every lost cause; you reach for the outcast. For the leper and the lame; they’re the reason that You came.

Lord I WAS that lost cause and I WAS the outcast, but you died for sinners just like me, a grateful leper at Your feet. Jesus, make ME more like YOU! In Jesus Name!

In saying all this, if you are still reading, my friend, I want you to know that no matter what you are doing or going through, I LOVE YOU!!! If you need someone to share with or understand, or just to listen, I’m here for you! You will find no stones here. And I want you to know that God loves you through all that pain you are in. He knows and understands. If you just need someone to talk to, email me. I won’t tell anyone else. We all need someone to care. I care. And I want you to know that God loves you so much, and He cares what you are going through! Your Friend, Renee~

Listen to this song.


      • I realused. It has beautiful words. I just LOVE to think of Jesus as the Friend of sinbers,vand as the One who would touch lepers etc. Mthe outcasts. Sadly, many don’t follow Him in that these days. Xxxx

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      • You are so right! Sometimes we can be so selfish. So worried about our own circumstances and, if we just look around, someone else may be going through harder times than we. We are all human. I pray I can get my mind off stuff and put it on Him! ❤️🤗

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      • I will pray for you for that too Renee. I don’t know about churches in the U.S. but churches here are very “middle class” if you know what that means. Someone coming in off the streets would feel uncomfirtable. I feel our churches have lost the plot somehow

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