Sunshine and Rainbows Tag


My friend Purple Rose tagged me for the Sunshine & Rainbows blog tag!!! 💜 Thanks so much! I love you! You are a kind, strong and beautiful woman. I’m so glad to call you my friend. Go over and check her blog out before going any further.

The sunshine & rainbows blog tag is an award created to show appreciation for bloggers who bring positivity and happiness into our lives!

The Rules:

Thank the blogger who tagged you

Share the badge and rules in your post

Include this blog tag statement: “The sunshine & rainbows blog tag is an award created to show appreciation for bloggers who bring positivity and happiness into our lives!”

Answer the tag’s 5 questions

Tag 5-10 bloggers whose blogs you love reading!

Include a custom message to your nominees about why you tagged them
Keep on blogging! We love that you’re a part of the blogging world!

1. What are your favorite kinds of posts to write?

My favorite posts are those I write right from my heart. I try to always keep it simple and short whenever I can. People are busy.

2. What’s a post you’d love to write, but haven’t yet?

The over one hundred posts sitting in my drafts waiting to be finished. I’ve learned not all posts are meant to be finished the same day.

3. In what ways do you enjoy helping other people?

If I can prevent anyone from walking a hard road I’ve already walked before, I try to help in any way I can by listening, praying or talking with someone. I know I am very guilty of giving unwanted advice a lot of times because of this. I can’t help myself, because I care deeply and know how it feels to walk in other people’s shoes.

4. What (or who) inspires you?

I get lots of sources for inspiration from Jesus, as my foremost. Nature. Bloggers here in our community.

5. What do you love to see on other people’s blogs?

Real people. And real blogs.

My Nominees:

Debbie my sweet and beautiful friend. You are always an inspiration to me, and I love you! Thank you for praying for me so many days and believing in me.

And for the rest of all my friends here. You have been an inspiration to me through blogging here. If I named any more people, I would be here forever. You know who you are. You have touched my life by your presence, and I thank my God for you, my friends. 😇💕💯 Please tag yourself in this one. We all need sunshine and rainbows these days.


  1. When a passionate moment, collides with a faithful encounter. The heart, becomes enlightened. The soul, reflecting the Rainbow, love glowing in Sunshine. The heart and soul Tagged, swaying breathlessly. By whispers, of God’s love!

    Congratulations! God bless!

    Liked by 1 person

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