We Won’t Be Silent Anymore

I have been praying and standing on faith in the last couple of weeks, through a trial that shocked me through to my core. At first, I was very optimistic, praising God for the victory, but the day before I was to get an answer to my prayer, my thoughts spiraled into very deep thoughts of the “what if’s.”

On top of all that, I was also battling sinus and vertigo and spent the day in bed sick, praying and was an emotional mess.

I told very few people what was going on. Not even my girls knew about what I was facing. In fact, I wasn’t even going to tell you guys!

But after all the lion posts that have kept popping up everywhere during the trial and after, I felt God whispering into my spirit that it needed to be shared for the glory of God! So here I go…

First of all, if you are new to my blog, you will need to read one of my oldest posts that tells what my blog site is all about. You will need to read it first in order to understand where I’m coming from with today’s post.

Tokens of His Love

To give a short summary of this post, I shared how God speaks to us in His most precious ways by sending us Heart (love) Tokens from His heart to ours! If we could only see how deep and powerful the love of our Father truly is! Anyways, back to the story….

A little over two weeks ago, (June 3) during my yearly exam, my gynecologist found a cyst that concerned her greatly. Afterwards, I was scheduled for a future mammogram and ultrasound.

I really didn’t want to burden anyone with this, because it seems everyone is going through their own fire right now–and especially because things of this nature are a little personal for women, or maybe just for me.🤷‍♀️

So, after being told of this, I tried to stay positive, focusing on my Alphabet Post Challenge.

Days later (Wednesday, June 12) after getting the bad news and not being able to sleep, I was sitting on my back porch after midnight, listening to the crickets. I heard a hoot owl and decided to record it to share on my post.

Things were quiet outside, except for the crickets and the owl. I sat very still, with my arms propped, and had my finger poised over the record button–waiting for the owl to hoot again.

When it began, I quickly and gently pressed the record button. My phone don’t record right away. 🙄 Realizing I had missed it, I still kept recording for a few more seconds, just in case it hooted again. It didn’t, so I hit the play back button. And what I heard totally left me speechless!

It sounded like a lion roaring! The strange thing is I would have heard if there had been any wild animal outside, just like I heard the owl and the crickets.

My dog, Chess, barks at the sign of anything that goes bump in the night when we are sitting on the porch, day or night. He was lying at my feet and is very protective of me. He chases and barks at anything that tries to get near me.

Like the horse yesterday morning! The poor thing had gotten close in range for me to reach out to calm him, but as soon as I reached out calling it to me, Chess takes off barking after it, chasing it down the driveway!

So I know there was nothing out there! We definitely don’t have lions roaming around the South! I recorded again to make sure my phone wasn’t messing up….got nothing but crickets. So, I decided I needed to go inside!

I was really pondering what it meant! Later on in the day I was sharing the story with Debbie, my friend over the phone. She reminded me of what had happened to her and her post she had written about and shared on WordPress. She told me I needed to roar like a lion over that sickness and tell it to leave.

That night, after the way the service went, we had a prayer service. I went up for prayer. I finally told my pastor what I was facing, before he anointed me with oil and prayed over me.

That night on the way home from church, the thought popped into my head that now was the time, that I needed to roar over that sickness and tell it to go. I did, right there in the car, driving down the road. I sure had a prayer meeting along the way! I felt a peace come over me.

After I messaged Debbie the recording, two days later, she sent me the post. It had shown up in her Memories on fb.

I got brave enough to share the recording with another friend and asked her to tell me what she heard after she listened. She told me she heard a lion.

The day of my tests, this past Tuesday, June 18, as I was getting ready for the appointment, the power of God hit me in such a strong and powerful way, that I stopped what I was doing and started rejoicing, worshiping and praising God!!! And again the thought hit me to roar over my sickness and tell it to go! So, I did! And I was flooded with joy and peace in the Holy Ghost!

My big sis drove me to the appointment an hour away. I told her I had something I wanted her to listen to and tell me what she heard. She looked at me and said, “A lion.” I told her about Debbie’s experience and about her post. I even shared it with her.

Here’s the video, with only sound, as it was dark outside. Does it sound like a lion to you? You be the judge for yourself.

While lying on the table during the ultra sound, I watched the screen before me that was playing calming music with beautiful pictures of nature. In one scene, there were beautiful clouds. I saw a heart-shaped cloud, and it filled me with peace that everything would be ok! I wasn’t afraid. The enemy’s report said the cyst could be malignant, but God’s report said ALL WAS WELL!

I had been told before the appointment that I would get the results of the tests in 2-3 days. I listened to the several people who were in the room performing the tests. I heard one of them quietly tell another one that there was a cyst, to get several pics of it.

I could see the concern in their eyes as they told me to sit back in the waiting room after it was over. They would look it over, talk with my gynecologist whose office was on another floor in the building and call me back to read the results. I thought it must be bad news if they were going to go ahead and call the doctor and try to read the results of the tests right away. They normally never do that. But I quickly replaced that thought with faith.

I was called back into the room. I went in smiling. I honestly did! There were 4 or 5 of them standing as a group, facing me. The one in the middle told me, “You are fine, it’s just a cyst. All you need to do is come back in another year. Everything is fine!”

I looked at them and felt the need to state, “So….what you are telling me is that nothing is wrong….I don’t have that dreaded word. I’m fine.”

She repeated, “Nothing is wrong. It’s just a cyst. YOU ARE FINE!”

Right there in front of these women, I lifted my hands and said, “Thank God!” They shook their heads and grinned, “YES!!!”

They told me to have a good day, and frankly, I did! I got my sister and shared the news as we were leaving the waiting room on the way to the elevator. She hugged me and we teared up! She treated me to Olive Garden. And we cried and talked of the goodness of God all the way home!

What do you need God to be strong for you today? He is the true Lion of Judah- And He will roar with you to shut down the devices of the enemy! You know–the fake lion–the one who goes about “as a roaring lion,” seeking whom he may devour? We won’t stand by and take what the enemy tries to throw our way! We won’t be silent anymore!

Even though they had said come back in a year, The doctor’s office called the next day letting me know that my gynecologist wanted to see me in another 4 months, to check on things. I am praying that cyst completely disappears before then!

Being it’s after midnight while I’m still trying to share what’s on my heart, I can safely say it was yesterday that Debbie shared a song she found with me. One of the lines from the song is what I titled this post!


Here’s Debbie’s post at Bee Tree Gathering:

Roar Like a Lion


Here’s the song she shared with me:

Open Heaven–Lion of Judah



Here’s Amy Blount’s post from A New Life. She shared a poem yesterday with pics of lions.

One Mightier


Linda Lee from A Blog about Healing from PTSD:

Happy Caturday—Fathers Day weekend edition


  1. Thanks Renee for sharing! This is a powerful testimony. He is our Healer! I’m so thankful that all is well with you. God is so faithful! He holds us safely in His arms💕💕💕

    Liked by 4 people

  2. This post had me tear up in happy tears….I’m so thankful for the good news. I’m so thankful for your testimony of fearlessness and faith. I know this post will encourage many as it did me! I’m thankful for you Renee! ❤🤗

    Liked by 5 people

  3. Wow! This is SO powerful and wonderful! I’m rejoicing with you for your good report, for the faithfulness of our Daddy God, and for all that He is teaching you about His roar over you! Thank you so much for sharing!

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Praise God for His strength and comfort over you and for the cyst being benign! I’m glad that everything went well. I teared up reading this because I experienced a similar situation a couple of years ago and things turned out fine, thank God. That recording does sound like a lion…I got chills hearing it!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you!!! I am sooo glad you came through your situation with everything being alright, too! 🙌 God is so good!!! I wasn’t gonna share this video with anyone here-the lion roaring. Thanks for believing me! I know some people probably think I’m crazy or doctored that, but I promise I was so completely shocked!!! It spooked me at first! I was scared to get out of my rocking chair! I looked around and listened. I didn’t hear anything…my dog didn’t react. He was awake. I tried to rationalize it at first, thinking it may have been the phone messing up. I recorded several again…no sound like that came out. And then thought maybe it was something like a bobcat. We have never seen one here, but nothing roars like a lion, that I know of! We don’t even have panthers in this area. And then one thing led to another with all the lion stuff popping up everywhere! And God kept dealing with me that it WAS HIM, and how powerful He truly is and about sharing it, so I did. So it is what it is! 🤷‍♀️


  5. We snuck out! 😜 we were adults though…and the lady over the dorm kind of, sort of knew about our shenanigans! She guessed anyways. There was a contest to see if the girls or the boys were the pigs for that day. They had a little chant to go with the fun! Good times! 😄


  6. Love this so much!! So encouraging. God is so good and faithful! He’s Jehovah-Rapha my God, my Healer. Praying for you sweet friend. Love and hugs💗


  7. Please forgive me, but I can’t remember that particular post. I have more than 20,000 followers, so a number of posts come my way each day. But, whatever I said is what I meant to say. Thanks for your kind words, and for your good work.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. That is just amazing! I can totally understand and relate and it makes perfect sense. The Bible says we wrestle NOT against flesh and blood, so I believe every once in a while, he simply pulls back the curtain to allow us to see (and hear) what we are REALLY up against! Oh, thank you for sharing! And praising God for the victory here and TO COME, Amen!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Stacey, I remember someone making the statement one time that all our enemy can do is gum us, because he has no teeth! He’s not the real “Lion of Judah!” He goes about “as” a lion! 🙌🏼 I’m glad God is fighting for us!


  10. Thanks Renee for sharing this trial you went through with us. It seems there is always a test at hand to get us to trust Him even more. Just when I think I got this trust things figured out, opps another trials hits. It’s the life of a believer and non believers too. but as a believer we have power to over come, to keep trusting Him. Blessings.

    Liked by 1 person

    • You are absolutely right, Betty! Just when we think we got trust down-pat, along comes another trial along the way. And we realize we still got a thing or two to learn, after all. Thank you for your kind words! 💜


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