The Day The Rug Stood Up

The following has been sitting in my draft folder for the longest. It never seemed to be the right timing. I feel someone desperately needs to hear this today.

You are not a rug, my dear!

You are so much more worthy than all of what you are going through or have already been through.

He told you that you were not enough. She made you feel unloved, uncared for.

God knows right where you are. There is healing for your soul! You are cherished. And you are enough. You are loved.

You are a child of the King!

A rug is something people stand on or walk all over. A doormat.

A rug is a thing not a person.

Ms. Susie Homemaker had been taught differently. The wife set the temperature in the home, made sure the husband didn’t get angry. Everything must be perfect. She and the children walked on pins and needles most days.

He was Mr. Fix-It. Men are suppose to love their wives as Christ loved the church. Put her needs and the children before his own. He worked long hours to cover the maxed-out credit cards from her massive shopping sprees. But it was never enough. If Mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy!

Ms. Susie Homemaker tried so hard to make sure the kids had not left any toys in the driveway or there wasn’t any trash strewn or holes dug in the yard by the family dog. The shovel had been replaced back into the shed from filling the fresh holes in with dirt. She did not want to set Moody Man off.

“Kids, get your stuff picked up quickly, your father will be home any second.” A truck door slams outside, kids scramble to snatch and grab their things, running to get to their bedrooms in time.

The front door bursts wide open, slamming against the wall and the screaming begins. “I thought I told you to keep that bleeping dog from digging holes in the bleeping front yard. Where are the kids? Get them out here. They’re gonna pick up the yard today.”

(She had missed just one hole)

“But they have finals tomorrow—

“I don’t give a bleep what they got! They’re gonna stop being lazy and do something around here for a change!”

Neither Ms. Susie Homemaker, nor Mr. Fix-It had been told or could even fathom the concept of a rug standing up. It had always been placed on the floor, and that is where it would stay. Don’t want to upset the eggs in the basket.

Empty Love

(poem from the view of a spouse of a narcissist or addict)

Love is patient
Love is kind
Fairytale dreams
Love is blind.

Dreams hoped
Things missed
Naive, nonsense
Empty kiss.

Could have
Had it all
Should of listened
To His call.

Love deferred
the heart made sick
Cuts deep, quick.

What is love
Suppose to be?
I do not know….
Not meant to be.

by: Renee Greene


Rock of Ages

(poem from the view of a child raised from narcissist or addict parents)

Rock of ages cleft for me, can you love someone like me?

I don’t think Mommy or Daddy loved me very well, why else would I have lived in that hell?

Rock of ages cleft for me, nothing like them do I want to be.

Save from wrath and make me pure, why did I go through this and endure?

Could my tears forever flow, I do not feel worthy of this I know.

While I draw this fleeting breath, I feel trapped within this net.

Nothing in my hand I bring, can you change me and make me clean?

by: Renee Greene


I love you, my friend. Sometimes the rug must stand up! We lose so much when we lose ourselves. If we can find the courage to find ourselves again, we can rise above our circumstances.

It helps to have an outlet. Someone we can talk with. A support system. I pray you find the healing you need. And a friend to share in the journey. 🙏🏼💕


  1. Oh Renee, this is such a precious post! I thank God for your heart to reach out and encourage the hurting. I have lived through an abusive childhood and of course continued the cycle by choosing an abusive/rejecting man after that. The cycle repeated until the pain was so intense I had lost all of my identity. I had no idea who I was and I certainly didn’t believe that I had any worth whatsoever.

    But God. Coming out of those old mindsets that were programmed so deeply is a very difficult journey. It varies for each person. Holy Spirit is so wonderful though. He peels our layers, gently and in perfect timing for what we can handle. His healing is pure, holy and complete.

    I am so genuinely touched by your post and pray that God would lead every bleeding heart who needs to read this right to you. God bless you for your obedience and your willingness to help heal the broken hearted. Your voice is so very needed.

    Much love and endless blessings to you, sweet sis. 🤗

    Liked by 3 people

    • Holly, your comment has totally touched me! Your kindness and blessings means so much! I’m sorry to hear that you went through a rough childhood and later on to an abusive relationship. 🙏🏼 Coming out of all that IS a difficult journey through which only God can help the heart to heal. Thank you for saying a prayer that the person who needs this the most will read and realize that they are worthy and loved! I pray our Lord continues to heal your heart! Thank you also sis! 🙂💕

      Liked by 1 person

  2. A thousand AMENS to this post, my friend! I lived this way for four long arduous years at the hands of an abuser. Prior to the day THAT rug stood up, I considered suicide. Then I considered even worse. And then… GOD stepped in!! It wasn’t the end of the abuse I would suffer, because apparently, a body is drawn to what they know. But praise God, He gave me beauty for ashes ❤ I pray that whoever needs to hear this finds it and marinates in it. Bless you!!

    Liked by 2 people

      • ok, just ok, which is ok…could use some prayer Renee, nothing serious, just same old flesh rose up and trip me up. I have finally done a total cross over to Word Press, leaving BlogSpot behind..kind of sad and my dear husband has spent hours helping me do it. It was not simple for a simple minded no tech women. But it switch and from now on I will write totally in WordPress, I am praying for all of you who have graced my blog. The last one I wrote on blogspot transferred over to WordPress but it’s not very neat.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Oh goodness sweet lady! I will be praying for you! We all have to fight our flesh, not to mention the enemy of our soul! Our weapons are spiritual! We will get the victory!

        I love WordPress. I tried to blog on the one on google, but could never get anything to work. I absolutely love WP, even though it does have some glitches. One of these days I’m going to get caught up on reading everyone’s blogs. 🤦‍♀️


  3. This is powerful, Renee! This post is and will be an oasis for many. I pray along with you that each one that needs help and healing will find someone they can trust to work with, and that God’s presence will sustain them. Blessings ♥

    Liked by 1 person

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